Leslie Bary leslie.bary at gmail.com
Fri Oct 26 11:02:05 CDT 2018

Thanks to all who came out for the Newfield talk yesterday, and thank you
especially to President Savoie for introducing. The talk will be repeated
today at the LSU Law Center, 3:30 PM.

On Saturday afternoon we're meeting at 4:15 at the boat launch on Lake
Martin, for a sunset tour with Sean (stand-in for Norbert LeBlanc). This is
a quiet trip, no alligator feeding, and we'll see birds and other fall
animals. If you're not on the list already and would like to come, please
be in touch as soon as possible so I can let them know, and so I can give
you details about that day, other activities. We'll have faculty in
biology, chemistry and physics from LSU-BR and LSU-S with us, and a couple
of graduate students from UL, but it would be nice to have some local
faculty come as well.

Finally, if you're not an AAUP member, please join! There are benefits --
https://www.aaup.org/membership/benefits. It *is* possible to strengthen
connections between university and community, and restore the idea of the
university as public good!

Leslie Bary
2017-2019 Vice-President, UL Lafayette Chapter; 2018-2020 President, LA
Conference; 2016-2020 District V Representative, National Council AAUP

*Leslie Bary, Ph.D. | *Asst. Prof. Spanish and Latin American Studies

Department of Modern Languages | P.O. Drawer 43651
University of Louisiana | Lafayette, LA  70504
Tel.: 337.482.6814 | Fax: 337.482.5446
Email: lbary at louisiana.edu | ORCID 0000-0003-1432-3348
Office hours SP 2018 F 9-12 and by appointment

Visit Louisiana Conference, American Association of University Professors
Visit Latin American Studies Association
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